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cosmetics Constitution diagnosis life

Skin Type Assessment



The structure of the skin is fundamentally the same for everyone. However, the functions and performance of the skin vary from person to person due to genetics, environment, and lifestyle habits.

Furthermore, for women, changes in hormonal balance can affect the skin, and age is also a significant factor. As explained in traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine, understanding your current physical condition is the key to maintaining beautiful skin.

Let's start the skin type analysis. Skin types are divided into six categories.

Since it's just a simple questionnaire, please feel free to answer.

These recommendations are tailored for a Japanese audience and involve individual genetic factors, so they may not apply to everyone. Please consider them as just one reference.



  1. No particular dryness around the eyes or mouth
  2. Rarely get pimples
  3. Not bothered by oily skin
  4. No history of allergic reactions to cosmetics

Your skin type is Type A.



  1. After washing your face, your T-zone becomes shiny after a while.
  2. You are concerned about enlarged pores.
  3. Your cheeks feel greasy.
  4. You are prone to acne.

Your skin type is Type B.



  1. Your skin feels tight immediately after washing your face.
  2. The area around your eyes and mouth feels dry.
  3. Your cheeks feel dry throughout the day.
  4. You are prone to skin troubles.

Your skin type is Type C.



  1. Your skin frequently experiences irritation or troubles.
  2. You feel irritation when using new skincare products.
  3. Your skin feels tight immediately after washing your face.
  4. You are concerned about wrinkles around your eyes and mouth, and your skin lacks firmness and elasticity.

Your skin type is Type D.



  1. Shine in the T-zone
  2. Uneven skin texture
  3. Noticeable pores
  4. Dryness and wrinkles around the cheeks and eyes

Your skin type is Type E.



  1. Dullness of the skin is noticeable
  2. Lack of skin elasticity
  3. Many wrinkles
  4. Sagging

Your skin type is Type F.


Your skin is like a bodyguard, protecting your body on the front lines.
It reacts to external stimuli such as light, clothing, and invisible bacteria, as well as to foods that don’t suit your body, signaling potential threats and keeping you informed of potential risks. Taking care of your skin is more important than you might think, and when your skin condition improves, it can enhance your overall well-being. A pleasant, well-cared-for complexion also brings joy to those you interact with, so strive for beautiful skin.

Everyone’s skin has its own unique characteristics. Please also read about body types in traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine and articles on skin troubles. There are surely valuable tips for achieving beautiful skin.


Discover your body's constitution with a traditional Chinese-Japanese herbal medicine assessment.

Let's examine your skin issues from the inside out.



  • この記事を書いた人


ライター:深月カメリア 女性特有の病気をきっかけに、性を大切にすることに目覚めたXジェンダー。以来、性に関して大切な精神的、肉体的なアプローチを食事、運動、メンタルケアを通じて発信しています。 Writer:Camellia Mizuki I am an X-gender woman who was awakened to the importance of sexuality by a woman's specific illness. Since then, I've been sharing an essential mind-body approach to sexuality through diet, exercise, and mental health care.”

-cosmetics, Constitution diagnosis, life
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