Sensitive Skin
Your skin is very unstable, and it is prone to irritation from external factors. The skin's barrier function is weakened, making it more susceptible to redness, rashes, and blisters. As a result, the skin can become like fragile, undeveloped skin, similar to that of a fetus. This weakens the skin further, creating a vicious cycle of increasing sensitivity and repeated irritation. The skin’s regeneration rate may also be abnormal, which can lead to persistent itching.
For those with inherently weak skin, there is often a lack of intercellular lipids needed to maintain the proper balance of moisture and oil in the skin's stratum corneum. This lipid is called ceramide, which acts like a thin layer of crepe in the skin. Moisture and oil are like the cream. When everything is properly aligned, it resembles a well-made mille-feuille. Healthy skin should be like this well-organized mille-feuille, leading to beautiful skin.
However, with sensitive skin, there is a deficiency in ceramide. Imagine a mille-feuille with crumbling layers of crepe; the cream would flow out and the structure would fall apart. This is analogous to how sensitive skin struggles to maintain its integrity.
Cream Without Crepe Layers. Without the crepe layers, any external stimulus can penetrate the cream easily.
While some people are naturally prone to sensitive skin, others might suddenly experience sensitivity with skincare products that previously worked fine. Sensitive skin can sometimes appear abruptly, even in those with normal skin. However, this sudden change is often linked to lifestyle factors rather than being an isolated incident.
Women’s lives can be quite demanding due to work, academic responsibilities, household duties, or motherhood, making them more strenuous than one might assume. Even though homemade meals are preferable, many might end up consuming junk food. Lack of exercise due to fatigue, poor gut health, or accumulating stress can also contribute.
Sleep deprivation can put a strain on the liver, leading to poor blood quality, which can hinder proper nutrition and potentially cause sensitive skin. Additionally, seasonal changes should also be monitored carefully.
Daily Skincare
Choose cleansing products, face wash, and low-irritant options. Oil-based cleansers that allow for gentle massage are also recommended, but natural options are preferable. Oils such as rice oil, peach kernel oil, macadamia nut oil, avocado oil, and camellia oil are generally suitable for sensitive skin. However, individual tolerance varies, so personal experience is important.
Personally, rice oil and peach kernel oil feel light and easy to use. Camellia oil may feel surprisingly heavy, but if it works well for your skin, that’s what matters.
Ensure thorough moisturizing. It’s best to choose toners that contain ceramides. Opt for products labeled as additive-free, low-irritant, and suitable for sensitive skin. Always perform a patch test first.
Additionally, skin sensitivity increases before and during menstruation, so it’s best to try new cosmetics when you’re not on your period.
Other beneficial moisturizing ingredients include:
- Hyaluronic acid
- Collagen
- Elastin
- Ceramides
- Natural Moisturizing Factors (NMF)
- Propylene glycol
- Glycerin
Ceramides are highly recommended.
Skincare Routine
Take some toner in the palm of your hand, add a small amount of emulsion or facial oil (about 1–2 cotton swabfuls), mix it with the toner, and apply it to your skin. Blend it until there are still some water droplets on your skin. Your skin will absorb what it needs, so there is no need to press too hard with your hands.
When our bodies experience stress, the adrenal glands become active. These glands also regulate skin condition, and stress-induced skin deterioration can be attributed to adrenal fatigue. The more you try to avoid stress, the more even minor issues can feel overwhelming. Some theories suggest that a certain level of stress can actually extend lifespan, so maintaining a positive attitude and finding ways to manage stress is beneficial. Engaging in activities like exercise and karaoke can enrich your life, so incorporate them as much as possible. However, be mindful that sweating from exercise can worsen itching, so gently pat sweat away with a towel as soon as possible and use a suitable toner to coat your skin.
If skin issues progress to the point of disease, the itching may become unbearable, leading to bleeding and continuous scratching, which further exacerbates stress. Vitamins are crucial for adrenal health, with carrots being particularly recommended. If you struggle to adjust to seasonal changes, eating seasonal foods can help. Traditional Eastern medicine suggests that fatigue in the liver and kidneys can lead to chronic skin conditions, so proper salt intake and vitamins are essential. Additionally, protein and amino acids are effective. Maintaining a healthy gut environment is also important, so consume quality oils and sufficient water. Healthy oils available at supermarkets, such as flaxseed oil, olive oil, omega-3-rich fish oils, avocado oil, macadamia nut oil, sesame oil, and rice bran oil, can be beneficial. Regular hydration will help keep your skin clear from the inside out.
Laundry Detergents and Fabrics
Avoid laundry detergents with fragrance or fabric softeners as they can be highly irritating. Additionally, pay attention to the fabric materials of your clothing. Natural fibers like silk, linen, and cotton are preferable, while synthetic fibers such as rayon (cupro) and nylon are also gentle on the skin and recommended.
For perfumes, inexpensive ones may contain a lot of chemicals. Chemical substances can be tricky and problematic. However, sometimes synthetic options may be better, and there can be allergies to natural materials as well. If you really want to use perfume, make sure to perform an allergy test first. Prolonged use can lead to the accumulation of allergens and potentially cause allergies. Use fragrances sparingly. There are also stories of people finding relief with essential oils. There should be something that can protect your skin, so don’t give up.