Normal Skin or Ideal Skin Type
Your skin is in a healthy state with a well-balanced moisture and oil level. The skin's barrier function is working normally, pores are tight and not noticeable, and the skin's renewal cycle is well-regulated—an ideal condition.
To maintain this state, regular skincare routines are essential:
- Ensure proper cleansing and moisturizing.
- Avoid friction during cleansing, as your skin is very thin and delicate. Damage can lead to excessive oil production or pigmentation issues.
To enhance the skin's moisture-retaining ability, the following ingredients are effective:
- Hyaluronic acid
- Collagen
- Elastin
- Ceramides
- Natural Moisturizing Factors (NMF)
- Propylene glycol
- Glycerin
Using too many skincare products can cause your skin to become lazy, so it's best to stick with your current products and focus on improving your health from the inside out through diet and exercise.