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goods voice work

Preview Listen Now: "Moonlight Etude" Series CV冬ノ熊肉、猿飛総司



Feeling tired on a night like this? How about being pampered in bed?


When you want to be together but find your rhythms out of sync… Is it just you who feels "lonely"?

When unspoken feelings overflow in your sleep talk, a sweet, tender Sex begins to bridge the gap of the time you've drifted apart.

This series depicts very gentle Sex in everyday situations. Although it's gentle, it’s not without intensity. The gradual build-up in breath and excitement will definitely keep you on edge.

The story flows seamlessly throughout the work, so instead of focusing on the drama, it’s more about enjoying the continuous flow of intimate moments: starting with conversation, followed by foreplay, then aftercare, and more chatting... It’s a portrayal of the loving, continuous cycle of Sex typical of a couple deeply in love.

Listening to it in bed before sleep might have a calming effect… or maybe not. (It worked for me.)


ムーンラィトエチュードcase.1 いつも余裕な同棲カレシがあなたの寝言にムラムラする夜 CV/冬ノ熊肉


ムーンラィトエチュードcase.2 いつも強気な同棲カレシをあなたがとろとろに甘やかす夜 CV/冬ノ熊肉

"We have a slightly discounted bundle version available. Please be careful to avoid duplicates when making your purchase."


ムーンラィトエチュード case.1+2同梱版



ムーンラィトエチュードcase.3 塩系年下同棲カレシが全身であなたを可愛がる夜 CV/猿飛 総司


ムーンラィトエチュードcase.4 ゆる甘年上同棲カレシに心も身体もほどかれる夜 CV/猿飛 総司

"We have a slightly discounted bundle version available. Please be careful to avoid duplicates when making your purchase."


ムーンラィトエチュード case.3+4同梱版


It's really great for when you’re feeling tired.

Both voices are soft and, in a way, quite cute and earnest, so you can comfortably surrender your… not your body, but your ears to them.



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  • この記事を書いた人


ライター:深月カメリア 女性特有の病気をきっかけに、性を大切にすることに目覚めたXジェンダー。以来、性に関して大切な精神的、肉体的なアプローチを食事、運動、メンタルケアを通じて発信しています。 Writer:Camellia Mizuki I am an X-gender woman who was awakened to the importance of sexuality by a woman's specific illness. Since then, I've been sharing an essential mind-body approach to sexuality through diet, exercise, and mental health care.”

-goods, voice work
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