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Tea Japanese and Chinese herbal cuisine life

Jasmine Tea: A Strong Ally for Women

What are the benefits of jasmine?


Jasmine itself has warming properties. Its pleasant aroma can circulate energy throughout the body and gently soothe irritability and depression.

It is also said to be beneficial for stomach pain and has few drawbacks, making it a favorable flower.

So, how is it beneficial for women? Jasmine has the power to help balance sex hormones.

There are two types of female hormones: one is estrogen, which enhances feminine attractiveness, and the other is progesterone, which supports maternal instincts and protects the body.

These two hormones are deeply involved in women's health and functions, including pregnancy and menstruation.

An imbalance in these hormones can affect both physical and mental health, leading to menopausal symptoms, irregular periods, abnormal bleeding, and PMS, which can be quite distressing.

Jasmine is known for its "sensual aroma" and has a compelling effect on sexuality. It helps to balance these hormones and supports both physical and emotional well-being.

A personal recommendation is to start drinking jasmine tea 2-3 days before ovulation. This can reduce both emotional and physical stress.

Key components of jasmine include jasmones, essential oils, and vitamins C and E. Since vitamins C and E are nutrients for progesterone, jasmine is undoubtedly beneficial for women.


It's easy to prepare, so enjoy a touch of luxury during your tea time.

What you need:

  1. A teapot or a small teapot suitable for one person.
  2. Jasmine tea leaves, about one heaping teaspoon. For hard water regions, use two teaspoons.
  3. A cup.
  4. Approximately 120 ml of hot water. The recommended temperature is around 60°C (140°F).

How to prepare:

  1. Place the tea leaves in the teapot.
  2. Pour the hot water into the teapot.















Cover the teapot and let it steep for about 20 seconds. Then pour the tea into the cup. And it's ready to enjoy.









The delicate aroma will emerge, with reduced bitterness and a pleasant sweetness.

Jasmine is generally recommended at a daily amount of 1 to 6 grams, so for jasmine tea, 1 to 2 cups per day would be ideal.


Jasmine tea contains caffeine and tannins. While these are not harmful in moderation, individuals with caffeine allergies, those experiencing blood deficiency, or those who are menstruating should be cautious, as caffeine and tannins can sometimes impair iron absorption.

The same caution applies to pregnant women and young children. Additionally, while jasmine tea can energize you, it may also lead to energy depletion. If you're feeling low on energy, you might consider reducing your intake or adding honey to your tea for a boost.

Though there are some considerations to keep in mind, they are not cause for excessive concern. Enjoy jasmine tea as one of your options for tea time and savor its delightful flavor.

I hope this article is helpful to you.


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