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It's natural for people to have different ways of thinking and values depending on their gender! Furthermore, everyone is unique.
To foster understanding and respect for these differences.
"I may have used expressions or language that could be misunderstood, so I want to clearly state my perspective here. My belief is simply to value things as they are. Both men and women have equal worth, and minorities also have equal worth. Rather than denying this and seeking to make everything 'equal' by erasing differences, I think we should simply respect everything as it is. Differences in roles, values, and characteristics might create conflict, but instead of denying these differences, we should recognize that differences allow us to complement each other. Therefore, rather than making everything 'the same,' we should simply respect the 'differences.' Everyone has equal value and dignity, but not everyone is 'the same.' Individuality exists. The issue arises when we deny this. The principle is very simple: respect things as they are. It’s not about making things 'nonexistent,' but rather about accepting 'what exists' as it is. That’s all."
You Can't Find Happiness If You Expect Others to Make You Happy
"Why Do We Become Dependent on Love from Others?"
On the difference in values between men and women. Perhaps the root of the problem is...
Yin and Yang: The Differences in the Quality of Romantic Affection Between Men and Women
Preparation in progress below
「こんな特徴の人は〇〇!」それ、本当? 大事なのは、そこじゃない……