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List of Free Novels【DSN for Lady】

"Our site 'The camellia Garden' is operated with advertising revenue and donations from 'OFUSE' as sources of income.


This is a sensuous novel for women that emphasizes dramatic storytelling.

It's free, so please feel free to enjoy it."

Sorted from newest to oldest, with older works listed towards the bottom.

"I have started translating from the latest work. I am using ChatGPT, not automatic translation, so there may be some mistakes. Please understand that I am not proficient in English myself."


【鏡中夢幻ーEphemeral Fantasies Within the Mirror】

Fantasy, Modern, Period Drama, Time Travel (?), Romance, Mystery, Erotica.

 Long-form, Ongoing Series.



"Cocytus -Ballerina Under the Moonlight"

Hard-boiled, mystery, romance, sensual novel. Contemporary drama.

full-length, completed.

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The following has not yet been translated into English

Tale of Empire1 -白樺の女王と水の貴公子ー

Full-length, completed. Fantasy


Tale of empire2 ー復活のダイヤモンドー

Full-length, completed. Fantasy


小説 「うそとまことと」

Full-length, completed. Contemporary drama.


うそとまことと after story キャンプに行った話

Short story, completed. Contemporary drama.



Full-length, completed. Contemporary drama.



Full-length, completed. Contemporary drama.



Full-length, completed. Contemporary drama.



All the novels published on this site are original.

The characters, companies, organizations, etc., have no relation to real-life entities, and there are no models based on them.

We cannot take responsibility for any discomfort caused.

Author: camellia Mizuki


In general, pornographic novels focus primarily on sexual acts, with the story taking a back seat.
However, I am ambitious; I wanted a story enjoyable on its own, with compelling characters and enough convincing mood to form relationships. I aim for something that could even be enjoyed as a regular novel if you cut out the sex scenes. Therefore, I position my work as a 'dramatic sensual novel where literary and sensual elements intertwine.' It may not appeal to those seeking plenty of erotic scenes, but I would be honored if they found it interesting nonetheless. I strive to earn the label 'worth reading for the story'.







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